Yu-Hsuan Lin / 2024 / Innovative thermal management system modeling and bio-inspired algorithm for temperature control optimization of fuel cell/ lithium battery electric vehicles
Swami Siddharth / 2023 / Multiphase interfacial transport phenomena in laser induced photothermal reduction process of microscale additive manufacturing
Nitesh Anand / 2023 / A numerical and experimental investigation of melt pool thermal-fluid and thermomechanical dynamics during selective laser melting
Sekone Abdoul Karim / 2016 / Heat and mass transport phenomena and thermal performance analysis of porous thin plate drying using solar energy
陳珉光 (Min-Kuang Chen) / Transient thermal impedance network model and pin-fin array optimization based on homogenization simulation for high power module
郭勝期 (Schen-Chi Kuo) / Optimization of cooling pin fin array by integrating homogenization simulation and artificial intelligence
李權峰 (Chuan-Feng Lee) / The application of a sequential deep learning model used for thermal precision control in wire-electrical discharge machining process
施君瀚 (Chun-Han Shih) / An experimental and numerical study of wire electrode deflection error in wire electrical discharge machining process
黃毓勛 (Yu-Hsun Huang) / Dynamic and efficient optimization of laser-atmospheric pressure plasma jet thin-film coating and patterning process
洪偵耀 (Chin Yao Ang) / Real-time image monitoring and parameter optimization for aerosol jet printing coupling laser direct synthesis and patterning process
莊媮婷 (Yu-Ting Chuang) / The development of a nanocatalytic solar steam methanol micro-reformer for hydrogen production
許育誠 (Yu-Cheng Hsu) / Development of the real-time monitoring and control for laser-assisted atmospheric pressure plasma jet system
莫利僑 (Li-Chiao Mo) / Optimization of machine tool thermo-friendly structural design and thermal-balance control based on response surface methodology
李承翰 (Cheng-Han Lee) / Flow visualization and performance modification of flat plate pulsating heat pipe
吳毓軒 (Yu-Hsuan Wu) / Thermal drift and thermal preload analyses for a motor built-in high speed spindle
姜宇智 (Yu-Zhi Jiang) / A study of the heat and mass transfer in a solar reformer with porous media
廖峻揚 (Jun-Yang Liao) / Homogenization simulation and optimization of pin fin array in cooling channel for high power module applications
葉常全 (Chang-Chuan Yeh) / Thermal error prediction and control based on time-dependent artificial intelligence technology for ultra-precision CNC machining center
呂家瑋 (Jia-Wei Lu) / Intelligent laser path and process parameter planning with real-time machine vision inspection for ultra-precision printed circuit board
林嘉晟 (Jia-Cheng Lin) / Development and optimization of hybrid laser micro-drilling and direct synthesis process double-sided flexible printed circuit board
游承軒(Cheng-Xyuan You) / The analysis of thermal deformation and the thermal balance control of a 3-axis side-mounted gantry type CNC
沈軒瑢 (Hsuan-Jung Shen) / A study of solar-thermal steam methanol reformer
范芝榕 (Zhu-Rong Fan) / A study of laser direct synthesis and patterning process improvement
黃佩君 (Pei-Jun Huang) / Fabrication of three-dimensional micro-structures by laser direct synthesis and analysis of the thermal–fluids transport phenomena of the process
陳弈封 (Yi-Feng Chen) / A Study of effects on thermal fluid transports with fan filter units in an clean room oven area
陳昭瑾 (Zhao-Jin Chen) / A study of the environmental temperature variation induced thermal deformation and the thermal balance strategy for a large gantry type CNC machining center
藍辰睿 (Chen-Jui Lan) / Microscale flow field observation and process modification for laser direct synthesis and patterning
周揚登 (Yang-Teng Chou) / The analysis and design of an adaptive thermal balance cooling system for high speed spindle
陳美惠 (Mei-Hui Chen) / An experimental and numerical study of thermal balance optimal design for a CNC horizontal turning center spindle head
蔡松霖 (Song-Lin Tsai) / Laser direct synthesis and patterning technology for fabricating transparent and flexible electronics
楊智凱 (Chih-Kai Yang) / An optimal design analysis of cooling channel in a CNC lathe spindle system
劉家安 (Chia-An Liu) / A thermal-fluid-structural multi-physics transient analysis, optimization and experimental study of a 3-axis vertical machining center spindle head
劉誼凱 (Yi-Kai Liu) / A study of the laser direct synthesis and patterning process for fabrication of flexible electronics
洪名杰 (Ming-Chieh Hung) / A study of the thermal deformation and multiphysics optimization of a machine tool spindle head
曾建富 (Chien-Fu Tseng) / A study of the transport phenomena of MOCVD for GaN growth
楊聰義 (Tsung-Yi Yang) / Thermal performance analysis of micro vapor chamber in LED cooling applications
洪昱永 (Yu-Yung Hung) / A study of the heat and mass transport phenomena in a solar drying system
鍾濟鴻 (Chi-Hung Chung) / Analysis of heat transfer characteristics for LED module